Monday, September 21, 2009

Question on granite

Hi Maurizio:
I was on the Web today and saw some information about granite that is kerosene cut and water cut.  I have noticed here in California widely varying prices on granite as I was helping my brother as he shopped around for his remodel. I hope you can answer a question for my brother, as he scrambles to find the right granite counter tops in his house (his ex-wife died and he now has his kids full-time and the need to move into his house very soon). 
My question is -- typically -- area standard-sized, bullnozed granite slabs cut with kerosene?  The prices I've heard from a friend who used such slabs is $400 for a bull-nozed slab 87x36, which seems very low.  Also, do kerosene cut granite pieces invariably fail in quality, due to the chemicals that have soaked into the material?  Any information you can provide me would be appreciated.
Gail DeLano

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