Sunday, August 2, 2009

Absolute Black Granite Absorbs Stain

I read one of your answers that absolute black granite is dense and will have suface stains but not absorb stains. I wish I only had surface stains! My absolute black kitchen counter
top developed a circular stain from the bottom of a plate that had been left overnight with a gumbo sauce on it.  A local stone cleaner said he couldn't get it out but suggested a tile cleaner from Home Depot.  I followed the directions  which said to leave the paste on 24 hours. The stain seems to be gone but the product lightened the granite where the paste was applied. I called the manufacturer of the stain remover who said that their product actually pushes the stain deeper so that it can't be seen. They said the reason the granite is lighter is because the manufacturer of the stone probably tinted it to make it darker and  their product removed some of the tint. So I bought a small tube of black tint they suggested (from a separate supplier). However, it arrived with no instructions. I  had a small scap of granite left over and used it as a test. I recreated the problem on my scrap piece, left the tint on for 24, then 48, then 84 hours. The lighter area seems to be only slightly affected, probably about 10% darker. However, any tint that gets on an area previously unaffected does get quite darker. Do I have a lost cause here? Am I doing anything right?...John, November 27

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