In the past few years I have spoken to many people who either are looking at purchasing or who have purchased black granite worktops for their home.
When I was studying many many moons ago, I looked at travel and tourism and i was taught a saying; tourism destroys tourism.
Don't you think the exact same could be said for any fashionable product or product - in this case being black granite.
Recently I have seen a real upsurge in the popularity of brown granite; in actual fact, I wrote an article on brown granite worktops a few weeks back and since writing the article I have spoken to a dozen more people who have also been interested - saying things like; "I just want something different to my friends kitchen".
I remember about 8 years ago thought that brown granite was the rage... Now it seems to be back.. Have any of you found this?
I must say though that there have been a number of other consumers, who have asked me about other colours, but although there is probably a long way to go before brown granite worktops take over, I do think that the days of black stone being the fashionable choice, are numbered!
Just my thoughts

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