We have purchased unfilled, very light-colored travertine for bathroom floors, to surround soaking tub, & for shower walls.
It is GORGEOUS & has beautiful, natural pocks, some quite large, which we love! However, only afterward did we find out that for this wet environment, the pocks should be filled due to mildew concerns. We put our tile installer on vacation until we find out the truth. He was laying it as is--UNFILLED & unsealed--then was going to only seal it.
Another *expert* examined the area only to say that the unfilled travertine in the shower would not pass inspection if we sell the house, since it would / will grow black mildew. I'm afraid to invite anyone else in for a third opinion! I don't believe that CERTIFIED TRAVERTINE EXPERTS exist, so who to believe? Obviously the expert right here!
1) Can we fill the pocks in the travertine that is already laid vertically & horizontally? (No grout or sealer has yet touched our BEAUTIFUL stone, thank goodness.)
2) If so, what filler should be used for this wet environment? I read that a latex would be best? (If that's completely wrong, sorry...)
3) After filling with the appropriate travertine filler that is best for wet environments, should we or should we NOT seal? I believe the answer is NOT??? (Just making sure...)
4) I want to keep the area perfect & use the proper products for bath floor & shower wall (sealed or unsealed) travertine. What, how & how often?
This is a wonderful learning experience...just glad we're asking BEFORE any damage is done!
Thanks SO MUCH in advance,
ps. my name really is Tina

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