Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Polished granite and marble
We have a polished black granite floor in the lobby of our building. It is very difficult to clean. We have tried numerous cleaners that are made for this surface, but to our disappointment, all of the seem to leave streaks or a film buildup. Is there any substance we can use that can be put on and left to dry without streaks or buildup? We have tried everything we can think of over the past year and nothing seems to be consistent with what we are looking for.
Joseph M. Lupia
Possible water mark
Brushed Marble (Ceramic Backed)
Impactors, Crushers, Pulverizers.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Purple stains on granite
Proper granite choice
Purple spots on granite
Q 5020
Did you every find a dealer/distributor that carried Artic Rainbow Granite? I was told by the Home Expo Center that it comes from Africa and they are not extracting it anymore. If you were able to find it I would certainly appreciate it if you could share the information with me.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I'm a chemist, not an acoustic engineer -- but why ever would you imagine:
1) that granite is a better conductor or insulator than wood (they're both pretty non-conductive, seems to me)
2) that the fabrication expense would repay in sound quality? One can make a canoe of concrete (using mesh support for tensile strength) or a balloon of lead foil -- but both of these are poor choices compared with wood (or fiberglass/resin) and rubber (or Mylar) respectively.
One thing that may affect acoustics is the wood density -- there are many tropical (and some temperate) woods denser than maple, for example.
Q8604/ radiation and granite
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I am very interested in Antiqued Cambrien Black granite for the same reason ---no "bling"! Did you purchase it and install it and has it performed as "we" want it to?! I think it is beautiful and as of now is my first choice, after looking at zillions of granite slabs.
Thanks for your info!
giallo ornamental
giallo ornamental
giallo ornamental
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Question - Uba Tuba "granite"
I read on your site that Uba Tuba is not granite. I just purchased it a few months ago and it was sold to me as granite. It appears almost black but has a green hue to it. It is dulling in one area and it was supposedly sealed. First, if it is not granite, what is it? Second, I paid about 61 dollars per square foot for it (did I pay too much?). And third, how do I care for it and get the shine back?
Labrador Austral
Is it possible it is already sealed and that is why nothing penetrated?
Or am I just lucky and this particular stone is a good choice?
Friday, September 25, 2009
'Granite' Sealing

Hi, looking for advice. I am currently having an apartment built and in the preselection process decided on contrasting granite countertops: black on the island and leopard skin on the interior countertop. The cabinets are natural maple and the backsplash is black tile. Now, after I've seen how it looks in several completed units in the building, I don't like the leopard skin and am sorry I didn't simply go with black for the entire kitchen. The builder told me it's too late to change the order because the materials were pre ordered months ago after the selection was made. Completion of my unit is still 3 months away. Should I even have them install the countertops, or should I tell them to just leave the cabinets there with no countertops - and have the all black countertops installed by someone else? I should I have the builder only install the black island countertop and attempt to have another installer match that granite for the interior countertop? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Next time you lock up your shop.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I came across your blog and was wondering if you could answer something for me. I recently had an Uba Tuba Granite counter and island top installed in my new house. The problem is that there is little black
pieces of the counter top (it looks like glue) are coming off and I now
have a bunch of little holes in my counter. I'm wondering if I ended up
with engineered stone because I have never seen this or heard of this
happening to natural granite.When I look closely at the stone it doesn't have a really smooth surface. I can see areas that look like they have been filled with the black substance inside the stone. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Thank you for your help.
P.S. Are there any visual tips you can give me that may help to
distinguish my stone from cultured or natural.
Granite repair problem
bad choice but we had absolute black honed granite installed in our kitchen yesterday. We have not used it yet, have not cleaned it with anything and have not sealed it. I see so many different recommendations on various websites but your website impresses us the most. Before we make any mistakes, please tell us what we should use to clean our granite and let us know if we should seal it or color enhance it? Thanks so much!
make our new granite shine and it started me thinking about how good our coutertops really are. We have Sapphire Blue in our kitchen and Blue Pearl in our bathroom. I love them both, but am struggling keeping them shiny. They were sealed before they left the shop and I wash them with soap and water only. Any suggestions? Des, US
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Question about caring for granite countertops
around the faucet and where the tile and granite meet. What are some
solutions in order to remove the hard water stains??
Question about Azul Aran in shower
I would love to use tiles of Azul Aran for our shower walls and tub surround. Is there a problem with oxidation of the metal present in this stone when used in high water areas? I read something brief about this on your website, but couldn't find more info anywhere else. Should I reconsider using this particular granite? It is really a beautiful stone.
Thanks for your help.
Question about changing size of granite counter to
to contact you directly through it. I have ubutuba coutner tops that I am
very happy with. However, they were installed to fit my old refrigerator
and I basically can't find a refrigerator now with those dimensions. Can an
installer come in and "shave" 3-4 inches off one end of the granite counter
top? Thanks so much for your help. Virignia Palmer
Question about Granite Contertop
question about granites
for the kitchen. Could you advise if they are good choices for granite countertops? Also, what is better, 2cm or 3 cm regardless of price. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Question about Azul Aran in shower
I would love to use tiles of Azul Aran for our shower walls and tub surround. Is there a problem with oxidation of the metal present in this stone when used in high water areas? I read something brief about this on your website, but couldn't find more info anywhere else. Should I reconsider using this particular granite? It is really a beautiful stone.
Thanks for your help.
Question about Granite Contertop
Question about caring for granite countertops
around the faucet and where the tile and granite meet. What are some
solutions in order to remove the hard water stains??
question about granites
for the kitchen. Could you advise if they are good choices for granite countertops? Also, what is better, 2cm or 3 cm regardless of price. Thanks.
Question about changing size of granite counter to
to contact you directly through it. I have ubutuba coutner tops that I am
very happy with. However, they were installed to fit my old refrigerator
and I basically can't find a refrigerator now with those dimensions. Can an
installer come in and "shave" 3-4 inches off one end of the granite counter
top? Thanks so much for your help. Virignia Palmer
Monday, September 21, 2009
Question about Juperano Notebo, Black Galaxy, Afri
We're thinking of doing our kitchen in a Juperano Notebo & Black Galaxy combination or a African Fantasy Bold & Black Galaxy combo. We would like to know if these are good materials for kitchen use and also how should they all compare to each other price wise?
Also, we want to do the paradisio in all the bathrooms. Is this marble a good choice for bathrooms? Once again, with regards to price, how do you suppose it should compare to a santa Cecilia or tropic brown?
We think our builder/fabricator is asking way too much $$ on top of what they usually provide - what they call a level 1 granite.
Perhaps you can suggest other less expensive granites that have a light brown look?
Also, if we do go with the above materials, should we have them sealed or tell them not to seal them. I understand that black galaxy should not be sealed?
Is there a lot of waste when it comes to fabricating granite?
Thank you for your help,
Question on Cleaning/Sealing Juparana Bordeaux
Yesterday we had Juparana Florence Bordeaux installed as kitchen countertops by All Marble Granite & Tile Imports in NJ. I have been reading your advice pages on for the past few months and I had wanted to buy your MB-4 product. Problem is my installers started sealing the granite upon installation!! They also told me to clean it with soap and water. That was when my red flag went up as I've read your views on this method of cleaning!!!
So far we've had the following done to our granite:
1. HG Marble & Stone Protector
One was coat applied by the installers yesterday, fairly quickly after the Granite was wiped down.
(Can says this is a High quality invisible sealer - It says that surfaces treated with HG Marble protector can not be
treated with conventional sealers, polishes or Waxes. They recommend the top protector next after 24 hours)
Their instructions tell us to take the next step today.
2. HG Top Protector - Water based High quality Sealer
My question is, with this type of granite, do we add another coat of the HG Marble & Stone protector, or just use the HG topcoat as recommended by our installer.
Also, what is the best method for everyday cleaning?
Thank you for your advice.
Question about marble
question about sealing
dark and almost black). Which one of your sealer do you recommend?
I use Marbamist to clean them every few days, and have sealed them
twice, but they just don't seem as shiny and slick as they did when
they were new. I'd love to order some of your products, but can't
figure out which one to get. I read many of your posts, and you are
full of info, hope you can help me.
Jane Palmer
Question on granite
Sunday, September 20, 2009
question re: santa cecilia granite
Hi, I've recently found your website and it is very helpful, thanks! I have a question regarding a dispute over my new granite countertop. I selected Santa Cecilia "light" based on a visit to a supplier several weeks ago, during which the sales associate gave me a 12 x 5" sample of the slab I liked. Then my contractor found a fabricator who called the supplier and learned that she still had the slab I liked. The supplier provided it to the fabricator. It turns out the sample and the installed countertop are nothing alike. The installed granite is mostly light gray/white while my sample is very beige/honey. It is very disturbing because the counter doesn't really coordinate at all with the cabinets, flooring and walls. The problem is the fabricator wants payment, but the supplier made an error in giving me a sample which I assumed was at least similar to the slabs we examined. Who is responsible? On a recent visit to the supplier, she said she should never have given me the sample because they don't even carry anything like it. She also said she provided me the lot I picked. This makes no sense and if I pay the fabricator, I'm essentially stuck with something I don't like and I didn't select. And my contractor wants my fabricator paid because he said he did nothing wrong. Any advice on how to resolve this? Thanks,
Question regarding installation
I just had Verde Butterfly granite countertops installed in our kitchen and
noticed that it is cracked on both sides of the cooktop cutout. I noticed
the crack before the installers left and pointed it out to them. At first
they insisted it was a natural vein, but after some discussion they conceded
that it was cracked.
I've attached 2 photos of the cracks (easy to see in high resolution photos,
but may be a little difficult to see with the reduced resolution
attachments). The piece is 92.25" long and 25.5" wide with the cutout
positioned 39" from the left (facing the wall) and 25" from the right. The
distance from the bullnose to the cutout is 3" and from the back 2.25".
It is important to point out that the first piece with the cutout broke
exactly where the crack is now and was replaced the same day with the now
cracked piece in the photos. Even after the installer sanded and filled the
crack with resin or epoxy, we are not happy with the crack and our trying to
resolve the situation . The installer said that he would only replace the
piece if it is seamed on both sides of the cutout because they already broke
the first piece and cracked the second reinforced piece (basically insuating
that if we insisted the granite be replaced it will look worse with the two
seams). My wife and I are at the point where we don't know what we should
do. Any advice will be much apprecieated.
Thank you,
Robert in San Diego
granite and marble
I'm looking for information about painting and applying gold leaf to
granite and marble and how to seal the pieces. It's an art project,
and I want to be sure the paint or gold leaf doesn't come up after
it's applied. Can you provide me any information about this?
Leigh Bordelon
Question regarding Granite Stains from Installatio
over the old counter in my kitchen (havign sanded the
prior counter for adhesion). I then layed a layer of
mud, attached the tile, and though all was well. Abotu
an hour or two into the process, the granite started
showing odd staining patterns, which I presumed was
moisture from the mud coming through the porous stone.
However, the stains are not leaving (6 days later).
They are in odd spots, odd shapes, based (preumably)
on the thickness of the mud below. Should I use a
poultice to remove? What material for poultice -
hydrogen peroxide/acetone? Thanks for any help you can
Yahoo! DSL -
Question Soapstone vs granite
honed granite, but it has all been in regards to kithcens. We however are
redoing a bathroom and were intrigued by soapstone. Since we rarely slice
vegetables or sauté chickens in our bathroom are the concerns that were
expressed about soapstone moot for us? Or are there other reasons why
soapstone counters would be a bad idea in a bathroom?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
question?new granite
Showroom Manager
I have several questions that I believe you can
answer--I have paid Findstone the $5 for your contact
info and then saw your webmail link on the site--How
do I pay for your advice at this time? Please let me
know as soon as possible. The forum at Findstone is
great and I appreciate your knowledge and your
willingness to share for a reasonable price...
We are building a new home in San Antonio, TX.
We are the general contractors.
We want the beauty of stone but would like to make
wise choices before we purchase.
General Questions:
1. Do you know anything about the quality of products
offered by We are looking at
Travertine tile and perhaps granite from them. They
sell "Agra" and "Tiana" brand granite.
2. Any input on the supplier Code Impex
( ? They have travertine and marble
and limestone.
3. Any input on and their
products? travertine tile specifically.
4. Is there any difference in quality between products
sold as Italian travertine and Turkish Travertine or
Mexican Travertine? Both BuildDirect and Code Impex
are produced in Turkey and someone had told me it was
inferior and that is why it is cheaper.
Counter Questions:
1.Is there a granite kitchen countertop that is highly
resistant to major wear and tear (heat cold spills
2.How do travertine and marble and limestone perform
in bathroom counters--is one better? seal or no seal?
any risk with very hard water?
3.Do you have any information (realizing that you may
not) on how granite counters compare with stained
concrete counters in the kitchen?
4. Do you have any supplier recommendations for
granite kitchen counters? and travertine slab /
limestone slab/ marble slab suppliers for counters?
Floor Questions:
1.Is a matte finish (honed or brushed or tumbled)
travertine indoor flooring durable and easy to
maintain? What is involved in keeping it looking nice?
I have heard the widest range possible on this
2. Do you have any supplier recommendations?
3. Is there any risk to the stone in putting in a
heated radiant floor underneath the stone that will be
intermittently turned on?
Shower/Bath Questions:
1. Is travertine a good choice for showers and baths?
should it be polished or honed?
2. Are there any special installation/preparation
steps or considerations compared to ceramic tile?
3. How do you care for such stone tiles?
4. Suppliers?
Thank you for your time and please let me know how I
can reimburse you for your assistance.
Best Regards,
Derek Guillory
Questions about Verde Butterfly
Honed Granite
Hi, I've been reading your forum and I have honed black absolute granite marble countertops which showed every little fingerprint, yet completely wipeable, but we felt like a slave constantly wiping the fingerprints (as your forum talks about), when wiped though it always looked fabulous. We were not knowledgeable enough and applied a sealer because we stupidly thought that it would help. And as your forum states we have a big situation on our hands now, from what I've read on your forum, we should NOT have sealed it, there are wipe marks as it is removing the sealer as we wipe and there are rings from margaritas etc. From what I understand in your forum, this hone granite should not have been sealed, we should have used a color enhancer instead right? I have also read that we need to strip the sealer off and then apply the color enhancer. If I am right so far, here are my questions:
Would it be possible to have someone come in a strip the sealer, then get rid of the honed finish and bring it up to a glossy finish or is that too big of a job to do in my house?
Is a medium honed finish (in between honed and glossy) better than honed? (Meaning resists acids and less maintenance)
If I have it brought up to a glossy finish do I have it sealed? or do I never do anything to glossy absolute?From what I read on your forum, I should have chosen glossy absolute which sounds impervious to acids and maintenance right?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Granite Sinks
advise on Granite stone fabrication
On the day of installation, we noticed that the large piece (see figure) had a joint (seam) in the front, close to the entrance of the kitchen. First of all we were shocked to see the seam; we were never told that there would be a seam. Looking at the design of my kitchen any one can see that seam is not necessary, each piece is independent. The large piece is less than 10.5 feet long. I was told average piece of Granite slab is about 12 feet long. Secondly, we were shocked to see the seam in the front instead of the far end where it would be least noticeable or in the middle where sink is, also least noticeable.
We objected to the seam in the front because esthetically it takes away the beauty, especially when it is right in the front. If seam has to be placed, it should be done in the least noticeable place.
We requested the fabricator to remake this piece and offered him $500.00 extra. Fabricator demanded that we will have to pay $1100.00 if we wanted to have the seam in a different place. He brought to our attention to the fine print on the contract form where it says, Fabricator gets to choose where seams will be placed. We did not notice this when we signed the contract and did not even ask about the seam because of our kitchen layout. We did not even think there would be a seam. During the verbal argument he said you have paid me 50% and I have done 50% of the work, we are even. After several efforts, we were unable to resolve this issue with the fabricator. We decided to go with someone else and get the job done. We found the matching granite and had it installed without the seam.
Once again to our surprise, the fabricator sued us for the remaining money, which includes the back splash work and finishing the countertop. Fabricator's argument is he has the right to place the seam. Our argument is, professionally he should have told us that there is going to be a seam. Any professional will choose to avoid the seam if it is possible. Secondly, if seam is must, professional fabricator will place the seam where it is least noticeable. Remodeling jobs are done to improve the esthetics and quality. Customer satisfaction is more important in remodeling jobs.
I am requesting for your opinion/advice as a professional. I respect your opinion and the time spent. My question is am I right or contractor is right and his practice fits within professional code of conduct. Thanks very much,
Sincerly yours,
Sushil K. Jain
amazon flower granite kitchen countertop
kitchen countertop?
granite guestions
cleaning products
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Golden Eye
natural stone maintainance
honed black absolute granite
sealer, but it left a residue. Is it possible to try a color
enhancing sealant, after I just sealed it with 511 or do I need to
get some product to take the first sealant off, in order to use a
color enhancer?
Thank you,
C. Iwata
Order No.0814051124072752 from CCAvenue
Granite Countertop"
If it is available as a Word or PDF download, where do I have access this
Please reply.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
removal of oil stain on polished granite in kitch
Scratch in granite
We just got tan brown granite installed in our Kitchen. We found two scratches in the stone. The installer put the glue and tried to polish it. The scratches are still visible. The company recommended the following:
- Live with it and get a discount.
- They will replace partial stone with no guarantee on not damaging the cabinets.
Our concern is will the color match with the new stone? Is it possible to damage the stone? Is it possible to fix the scratch? Please advice. It's a brand new kitchen.
Daxesh Desai
scratches on our Absolute Black Granite countertop
refinishing sandblasted granite counters
recycled granite countertops
Friday, September 11, 2009
Removal of granite
slab of 3cm granite, which is almost 12 ft long.. is there a safe way to
lift the granite to allow for new cabinets to be installed?
Removal of Granite Counter Tops
We are renovating a kitchen that has granite counter tops and back
splashes. We want to remove them and later reinstall them over new
cabinets. Any advice? I think they are held in place with silicon
Regular Cleaning
Thanks for your advice, Ashley
Removing a section of a granit countertop
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Removing granite benchtops
Removing stains from granite
Just few days ago I have installed granite kitchen
counters. It's absolute black from Angola I think.
Yesterday my dishwsher flooded and during cleaning up
the mess I put dishes and towel soaked in dishwashing
liquid on the granite top. Now I have gray stains all
over my granite. I think my wife is gonna hate me if I
won't fix this problem. The dishwashing granules I
used contains 690g/kg Alkaline salts.
Can you help me please.
Thank you very much.
removing stain from granite
Removing stains
request for do & don'ts link
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
restore marble wall
Request for Granite Brochure
Resin treated granite
Rosa Limbara
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Rosewood Granite
lighter nature of this granite and the varying colors as well as "quartz
like" areas. Now, after 5 mo. I have notice more black areas appearing thru out the kitchen. I know I am not crazy and dreaming this up. The black blotches are most noticable in those "quartz like" areas. What is this and what can I do to prevent more? Tina
santa cecilia granite
question about australian sealant
I am almost about to move into a newly built house. I was recently at a home show and this product from Seal America was being displayed. (
They says it's a patented nanoseal technology sealer from Australia. is the web site.
The examples he had of beading up and non-slip treatments were impressive.
He also says it will work great on granite. But I've always heard to be careful of what you put on your granite. I have delicatus and maron cohiba.
Have any of you heard of this product or have had this applied in your home on cement, tile, grout, granite, etc?
The product was so impressive I would like to use it, but I don't want a long term problem if applied.
It's suppose to be non-detectable even on tile. It does not darken the cement or applied surface.
Thank you,
Scratch in a Granite/Marble Table top
Barb Lettween
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sealer needed?
seal remover and granite cleaner
Sealer .... guidelines
I have a few questions also, which I understand I may have to pay to get
answered. We purchased 62 cm chestnut granite tiles for our countertops. I see in the forums that the typical answer to questions on butting tile is that you should not. It seems to me that the reason is that grout and silicone would eventually fail and water would ruin the installation. Can we butt them together if we fill the cracks with clear knifegrade polyester resin? If not, can you explain why this installation would fail?
sealer question
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sealing Cleaning Recommendations
sealing granite
We had a granite kitchen counter installed last week, and the installers said that they sealed it. However, we have noticed a lot of absorption of liquids into the granite. I was under the assumption that if it was sealed, liquid would bead rather than be absorbed. We've had no luck with getting answers from the granite contractors, so I'm hoping that you have some advice. If they did seal it, could I damage the granite in any way by sealing it again? Or will it actually still absorb liquid, even if it's sealed?
sealing dark granite in kitchen
I went to your site for advice and found it extremely informative! Our
counters are about 6 years old and still look nice. My wife and I
disagree on whether or not to seal. She's heard that the seal might
yellow over time and you can't remove it. She's especially concerned
because the kitchen has lots of skylights and high windows, so the sun
beats on the counters intensely. I think it s/b sealed for protection,
especially around the sink. I believe the common name for our granite
is Dakota Mahogany. It's dark - overall lots of brown, reddish-brown,
gray, and black so it doesn't stain easily. What do you recommend?
thank you, Craig
sealing granite and marble
We have manmade marble bath countertops. From what I read on your website it seems they do not need sealing, correct.
On tile floors does the grout need sealing?
Thanks a lot, Jim
Sealing Granite counter top - Giallo Jasmine
Saturday, September 5, 2009
sealing granite
sealing service
What should I expect to pay to seal approximately 90 SF of granite countertop?
Thank you,
David K. Turner
selecting granite for dining table top
Selecting granite
We are about to select a granite for kitchen countertops. After reading your website, it seems a lot of "granites" aren't really granite at all. Assuming we cannot rely on some people to be trustworthy and/or honest, how can we ascertain what stone is REALLY granite? Is there a website you could recommend? Three of our current favorites are Lady Dream,
Friday, September 4, 2009
Shine Problem
Should I Use a Sealer on Honed Cambrian Black Gran
Three years ago we remodeled our kitchen and found very
helpful in advising on granite and the care of it. We tested a stone
called Imperial White and were very disappointed with the stain
results. In reading your site, weeks later, we find out it is one of
the worst choices for kitchen counter. We installed a very dark (not
grey) Blue Pearl and loved the results. A beautiful stone.
Now we are in a new home and are stuck with dark cherry cabinetry so
Blue Pearl is not an option. We are considering Shivakashi for our
kitchen counters. I have concerns, because it is so light, that it
may stain easily, much like the Imperial White. Would appreciate any
info you can give on the granite. If sealing is required, how often?
shower walls
getting conflicting advice. Are you familiar with the thin natural
stone products, such as ThinStone, Litestone, Soterra, or Granite
Transformations? It seems to me that these products will give me the
beauty of natural stone without the weight of 2cm slabs and without
the grout lines of granite or marble tiles. Some contractors,
however, are telling me that natural stone is not a good choice for a
shower because of the porous nature of the material. Then why have we
seen tile in showers for years? They say that it will require sealing
at least every six months, and that the natural pores and fissures may
wear down or chip off. I just don't like the look of those man-made
slabs of plastic, especially when I intend to use natural stone on my
vanity top and floor. Must I settle for man-made in the shower?
Silver Sparkle Granite?
I am about to install countertops for a new kitchen. I had gone to a
distributer to look at the granite slabs and was shown a sample of a tile
that is called Silver Sparke. I was looking up some information and saw
your granite chart. However, I have not seen the color "silver sparkle"
listed there and was wondering if it is granite as I was told by
distributer. I happen to like that color very much but I also want to know
that I an going to get what I am paying for. The color is a gray with
silver sparkles. Could you please advise.
Thank you.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
This question is directed to Maurizio.I need help FAST!! I am going to have new kitchen countertops put in, in about 3 weeks. The stone fabricator I am using is EXCELLENT, as was his father before him, they have been in business here for 50 years. I have chosen soapstone from
soap stone cleaning
Slippy Floors
Hi good morning
I am working out in Nigeria where a lot of the flooring is made of granite, we have just opened a new office and the floor area is really slippy and we are concerned that someone is going to have a serious accident if we don't do something about it. Can you recommend or supply any chemical or abrasive pads to roughen up the surface slightly to remove the high gloss finish so we can reduce the possibility of someone slipping.
Look forward to your response.